
18329 Roundrock Rd
Jonestown, TX 78645
EZPropTax LLC can help you file and protest your property taxes so that you pay only the amount you should pay (instead of the amount the county wants to extract from your bank account). Joel Ho is licensed with TDLR as a property tax consultant. EZPropTax has 2 main services - representation for a $250 maximum fee (you get a full refund if we lose, but you keep all of the savings above $250), and a $49 self-service software that saves you time (2-3 hours instead of 20) preparing your own protest, assuming you already know how to argue your case.

We also provide free education on property taxes for both real estate agents and homeowners to help people navigate their way through the property tax maze to a lower tax bill. Visit our site - - for more information.

Please note - we ONLY do real estate property taxes, and currently we focus on homes. If it's not a house or land, we don't do it - no commercial real estate or personal property, only real estate for individual homeowners.
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